Saturday, October 24, 2009

But, apparently

My mom is battling stage three throat cancer.

She just completed round one of her radiation and chemotherapy.

During the last 7 weeks I have felt a bit inadequate: I am struggling with how best to offer my love, support and help during this challenging, difficult, scary time.

I want to do more than I am doing for her - she means the world to me!


I am not a nurse, caregiver, nutritionist or orderly.

I am not a scientist, pharmacist, or medical engineer.
I am not technician, radiologist, nor am I a doctor, or an oncologist.

But, apparently,

I am beginning to fancy myself a runner.

Tomorrow, I am running in the Ottawa Hospital 10k RATTLE ME BONES race.

(and though it is not much, it makes me feel like I can help in my mother's care.)

Wish me luck!

(Thank you Ottawa Hospital for taking such great care of my mom!)

HEY MOM, Love you - Hate cancer!


Everyday Superhero said...

Warm wishes to your mom and all the best tomorrow when you run.

Tara R. said...

Best of luck to you and prayers to your mom.

Tammy said...

I understand your feelings of inadequacy. I feel the same way in dealing with my best friend's stage 4 lung and brain cancer.

Sending cyber thoughts and hugs your way as you work your way through this challenge!

Great job on running!