Friday, October 23, 2009

A précis of news coverage

As long-time Fringe readers know, I really do love my job!

But, alas, like many jobs, even dream-jobs, there is usually little recognition for all the hard work we do.

That is, until now!

Last night on The CBC National News there was a call out to my little team of media monitors and analysts. Watch for yourself!!!!, if someone asks what I do for a living I can say, "I deliver a précis of news coverage to the Prime Minister!"

PM Harper is correct, he DOES NOT watch Canadian news broadcasts....I DO...FOR HIM!!!!

Which sounds more impressive than, I watch the news for the Prime Minister!


Silent Type said...

News making news about news... Nothing new here. Being PM is about making the news not watching the news....

Tara R. said...

'delivering a précis...' sounds a little sexy. Where can I get a job like that in the US?