Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This morning...

This morning I am tired, cranky and having "period problems".

This morning I eyed up all the donuts and danishes at the coffee shop.

This morning I did not cave in.

Today, I will stay on program.

This week I will be successful at the scale.


Pregnantly Plump said...

Congratulations on not caving in! I'm pretty sure I would, given those circumstances.

Tara R. said...

Good for you! Here lately I have zero self control. I am impressed.

Kat said...

Wow! Great job! I have been caving NONSTOP lately. It is pathetic. You motivate me. :)

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Keep at it girl! you are such an inpsiration. I hope things are well with you. Thinking of you.