Friday, February 15, 2008

What is he into, then?

Anderson turned three in December. He has been a bit slow on the toilet learning. But my philosophy is that he has to be ready...and I have to be ready too! No use trying if we are not all ready! So, we have not pushed the issue. I figure, save those with medical issues, most eight year olds are toilet trained. He will get it! Sooner or later. Please, sooner, than later!

So, we have been trying a bit harder lately.

Anderson gets it. You place him on the toliet and he goes - every time! Each morning he wakes up and is completely dry. But he refuses to tell us when he has to go potty. Thus, we are going through less diapers, but I am doing tons of laundry.

As we are rushing to get ready to meet DJ's bus this afternoon. I tell Anderson he has to try the potty. He says no. I inform him he has to try before we go...and he replies, "Mom, I'm just not into it right now!"



Unknown said...

Just not into it! I love it! My son wasn't potty trained until he was older than three. He could have done it before, but he just didn't want to. :-)

Unknown said...

Jake was 3.5 and then was totally done, night and everything in about 2 weeks. He just flat out refused until we gave said enough is enough and gave Santa all his diapers and went camando for a week at home then went to underwear full time. I have to say it was better than the 6-9 months it took Olivia, even though she was done at 2.5.

InTheFastLane said...

LOL! He knows you want him to, and he just isn't going to do it. What a kid.

Mamarazzi said...

LOL...sorry i HAVE to laugh...just not into it?!?!


hilarious! i know i should not laugh but its just too funny!!

ahem...umm..good luck darlin'!

Lainey-Paney said...

Same boat.

My mom says, "Just don't worry about it. They'll do it in their own time." That's what she did with my little brother, and it worked....

Lainey-Paney said...

...but hey---you guys are waking up dry! I'm jealous of that!!!

Pregnantly Plump said...

That's so funny! Not into it! I am not looking forward to the toilet-training stuff at all!

Jules said...

I have 2 boys and both of them were totally different to potty train. One was fine day and night at two and a half. The other took until he was about 4 and a half.


One thing that I did find was that I had to make both of the "go" every 44 minutes. Yup. 44. If I left it even more than 1 minue longer... the laundry fairy had to make an emergency visit.

Emily said...

THey all hit this point. You sort of have to push them because they are ready but a little frightened of growing up. We "changed" Zachary's diaper every half hour in the bathroom and suggested he might want to go at the same time.