Today you start Junior Kindergarten. WOW. I can hardly believe it! But at the same time, you are so ready for this new, wonderful challenge.
It seems like just yesterday you surprised us with your early arrival. Or wowed us with your first smile, giggle and coo. Or took your first steps, spoke your first words. You seem so grown up today.
You are a wonderful, witty, funny, smart, friendly, charismatic little monkey who will do GREAT at school.
I will miss our mornings together - but cannot wait to hear all your school tales. To see you shake with excitement, hear the song in your voice as you tell me all the fun stories of being a Junior Bunny and see the glee in your beautiful brown eyes.
May you marvel at the wonder of the world around you. Soak in all wonderful lessons school and life have to offer. May you always feel the love and support of your family and friends as you embark on your quest of knowledge and learning. I hope you continue to love letters, words and reading. I know that you will love the arts and crafts and preforming arts offered in school. I can only imagine your excitement when you realize you get to use your OWN computer at school. May you always have that drive and desire to learn and grow that you have now. You are going to love school, I just know it.
Be yourself. Enjoy yourself. Challenge yourself. Be proud of yourself.
I love you so very much. I cannot wait to share in this new experience with you.
Happy first day of school Anderson.
I'm loving watching everyone's kids grow up! :)
Aww. Such a big boy now!
Isn't it wonderful when they are so excited about this new adventure. Good luck to your little man and his upcoming school year.
What a sweet letter to your sweet boy! Hope he does well and loves it! Take care - Kellan
I hope his first day went well!
What a great tribute to your son! Print it and treasure it forever. I know you will.
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