I woke up Friday morning knowing I was probably going to shed a tear (or two) at 10:30am. I thought I was prepared by stuffing some tissue into my purse when I ran off to work at 2:30am.
All morning the excitement grew.
I finished work shortly before 9am and hustled to my parking garage.
My plan was to head over to Party Planners and pick up a little balloon bouquet and meet my hubby and kids at the school. Today was the BIG day - DJ was graduating from senior kindergarten!
The ceremony was to start at 10:30.
At 9:05 I drove up the parking garage ramp. Stopped to let a few pedestrians walk across. Checked right, checked left, checked right and pulled out.....KABBOOOOOOM!
A garbage truck had been obstructing my view. I thought it was clear...but it wasn't clear.
I hit a Blue Line taxi.
Did I ever feel bad. But, the good thing was that I was just inching out when it happened, and there was very little damage.
The cab driver was upset. Understandably.
I apologized. Then went and retrieved my documents and information.
I was shaken and very upset, but worked very hard to keep it together. No one was hurt. There was minimal damage to the two cars.
I asked the cab driver for his information and told him that we would swap information and then go to the reporting centre. We could both be on our way in a matter of minutes.
He refused to give me his information. He claimed we had to call the police.
I did not want to argue - but I adamantly informed him that the procedure, as I understood it, was that since no one was hurt and that both cars were drive-able, that we would exchange info and then go to the reporting centre.
He refused. He got angry.
I called the police.
We waited...and waited...and waited.
I looked at the clock - 9:25...9:45...10:10...10:20... 10:30. Graduation time. Tears.
Of course we were not a priority - there were no injuries and no sizable damage.
The cab driver got impatient. I once again informed him what I thought we should do. He disagreed and we called the police again.
They were on their way.
I had been right - I did shed many tears at 10:30. Unfortunately, it wasn't at my eldest child's graduation. It was in my car, frustrated, upset, mad, angry and terribly shaken.
Finally the police arrived.
First I told my side of the story - explaining the garbage truck and how I thought it was clear, but obviously, it wasn't.
I explained how I asked the other driver at least 4 times for his information and wanted to go sort it out at the reporting office. I was visibly upset.
The officer was very understanding. He asked me to wait in my car while he took the information from the cab driver.
Oh, what a heated exchange that was...yes, I was correct in the proper procedure to deal with a minor fender bender. The cab driver - who drives for his living - was wrong. If he would have followed proper procedure, then I would have been at the school well before the graduation.
In spite of the minor finder bender, that I take sole responsibility for, I could have sat in the front row, clapping and cheering...and shedding tears of joy and pride at my son's graduation. I would have been there when my son was awarded to top class award...and I would have shed another tear. Yep. Top honours! The Peacemaker award!
Instead, I sat in my banged up car and cried.
I was charged with failure to yield from a private road - the least of the charges the police officer charge me. The police had been super nice - explained it all to me - told me he had "educated" the cab driver and told me I could go on my way.
I put on my seat belt, turned my key, and realized I had killed my battery while waiting. So, I shed another tear.
Yep, I knew I would shed a tear that morning - but I never imagined I would miss my little man's graduation. It was heartbreaking.
So, here are some photos of my eldest son's graduation, you know, the one his Momma missed :(

Let's hope I get to attend his middle school, high school, and university graduations!
(I am so proud of you DJ - You make my heart sing, my child!)