Thursday, September 11, 2008

Week One - A Good Start

On Tuesday I attended the first group meeting of my Weight Management/Loss Program. I was very nervous walking into the room. I had no idea what to expect.

The leaders seem very nice and knowledgeable. In fact, the behaviour specialist works at the children's hospital and we met her when DJ was in NICU back in 2003.

The group is larger (haa haa, in more ways than one!) than I had imagined. There are about 20 of us. We all have varying amounts of weight to loose and have all come for different reasons. I am looking forward to meeting and getting to know my fellow "loosers".

I am pretty pleased with myself. Between my personal session and the group session no expectations were given. I decided I could lament food and bid farewell to my favorite foods by binging and eating everything "one-last-time", or I could show reserve and take one step closer to being in control. I took the second route - though I did enjoy a wonderful steak dinner with all the trimmings last Saturday and a large margarita! I am pleased that during my last "non-monitored" week I actually lost 3 pounds.

This week I am working on a 1200 calorie diet. They gave us some great menus and suggestions, so, I am hoping to be successful this week as well. I got a bit of a kick start when I woke up with the stomach flu on Wednesday. I am hoping to be back on food soon...and I have promised myself to stick to plan.

Here begins my journey to a healthier and happier person.


Sarah said...

Yeah I don't recommend being sick your first week out either. It sounds like you have a great support system in place! Keep up the great work!

AutoSysGene said...

Congratulations! 3 pounds is a great start! I can't wait to follow you and see how you are losing the weight!

Janet said...

It sounds like you're off to a great start. My friend has been doing Weight Watchers and she has had great success. I think the meetings and meal planning tips are golden.

Anonymous said...

You go, girl!

Pregnantly Plump said...

The group sounds great. I love your little ticker!

Kellan said...

Good luck on your journey - you can do it! I'm on a journey myself! Take care - Kellan

Everyday Superhero said...

Hey Laura,

Been reading your blog for a while. Best wishes on your weight loss journey.

Mrs. Schmitty said...

You are off to a great start!

Forgetfulone said...

Congratulations! I hope your stomach flu is gone now.

imbeingheldhostage said...

Congrats! I think I found your 3 pounds...
That is a great way to start, You go girl!

Unknown said...

I'm sure don't have to tell me, but how tall are you and what's your goal? I'm almost 5-5 and my range is big...125-145.