You know you had a great weekend when you need a day to recover!!!!
Tuesday is the new Monday, don't cha know!
OK - Let's get Monday Menu Plan out of the way!

Monday - Yummy spicy shrimp stir fry with quinoa
Tuesday - broccoli and chicken casserole
Wednesday - Family Pizza Night
Thursday - Three Bean and Pork Slow Cooker Chili - recipe from Weight Watchers - sounds yummy good, easy, kid friendly and only 5 points per serving. Then I will have to factor in my homemade cheesy whole wheat garlic bread for dunking!
Friday - A wonderful friend and I are embarking on a regular Friday exercise date. Our families will eat together first and then head off to swimming laps in prep for our "Try-a-tri-athon" in May. I was thinking maybe I would do a pasta dish with a nice salad.
Saturday - Fire up the grill! Nicely aged steaks and lots of veggies cooked on the bbq...summer cooking is just around the corner!!!
Sunday - Pot roast with carrots, potatoes and onions - nothing too fancy.
Ok - so now for the weekend recap!
The smile on my face in this photo, sums it all up!!!

Friday I drove the kiddies to my parents' place. If you are a frequent visitor to The Fringe, you know how much they LOVE going to Nana and Pépé's house. But, here is yet another cute story that shows the very special bond my parents have with my kiddies.
Mid-way through our 40 minute drive little Madigan, all strapped in her car seat yells out:
Bye-bye Dadda!
Bye-bye house!
Bye-bye Keymew (our cat Cleo)
Helllllllllloooooooooo Nana!
Helllllllllloooooooooo Pépé!
Ok. Seriously, I almost burst a gut! Here is a little 2 year old, in a squeaky, high pitch voice bidding goodbye to one world and welcoming the new! Her HELLO was hilarious - all drawn out and a bit deeper than her regular voice. It was priceless!
Anyways - Friday night friends came over - the plan was for the gals to go swim lanes (prep for "Try-a-tri-athon" and then meet the boys for Pho soup. Comedy of errors, we misread the lane quick change of plans - we went for dinner first and then swimming.
Side note - I need to work on my breathing technique in the front crawl. I am sure I could shave some time off if I got a bit more rhythm in my breathing and stroke.
We had a great Friday evening. We always have a great time with Stephen (the best-man at our wedding) and his wonderful girlfriend Danielle (Hello Danielle, since I now know you visit The Fringe! Yep. Friday sounds great - check your email!)
Saturday AM we woke up early and took off for Mont Tremblant, Quebec. It is about 2 hours away. It was an enjoyable drive. Spring is in the air!
The mountain was very busy - perfect spring ski conditions bring lots of people out! If you ever get a chance to visit this first-class resort - I highly recommend it!
We skied all day. I will not lie - I had a rough time. I really only started to ski when I met David - back in 2000. Then since all my babes are winter babies, my ability, desire and time for skiing dropped in priority. So, I was getting a bit frustrated. I could not seem to get my old rhythm back. I was really fighting my skies and forcing the tails of my skies instead of carving with my edges. On top of that, my middle toe on my right foot was SUPER sore. (I would later discover that when my soccer opponent stepped on my foot last week she cracked my nail and it swelled up) And my feet hurt in my boots. My boots are from the before kids era and my feet are bigger, flatter and more sensitive now. And finally, I was having a fear thing - totally mental! I am not sure what it was, but I was so nervous of falling. Maybe it had to do with Natasha Richardson succumbing to injuries suffered on this very hill? Or maybe I was just nervous? I was having trouble finding my centre of gravity and therefore did not feel stable...could it be from my rapid weight loss? My body has definitely changed! Whatever the case, the first two runs were terrible.
In fact, I almost gave up. But my wonderful hubby talked me out of it. We stuck to fairly easy hills. David got to do a few bump-runs since Windigo and Upper Fuddle Duddle were mainly moguls. I stuck with Sissy Schuss and Fuddle Duddle...oh ya! I do see the irony of the run names and my state of mind - but, hey! thanks for pointing that out!!!!!!!!
After lunch, I calmed down a bit and was able to find some of my skiing mojo. So, our afternoon was a bit more enjoyable. Besides, it was sunny, warm and I was with the man of my dreams!
A good friend of ours offered us her chalet for the evening (Thanks Jo!). It was great. We went and got cleaned up and headed back to the mountain for dinner and to enjoy the night life. It was great. We had a great dinner - I had yummy trout with veggies, and even was successful at NOT having any of the fresh dinner rolls that kept appearing at our table!
After dinner we strolled around the cute shops and then took in the aerial competitions. Man, they were amazing! Friggin' dare devils to the highest degree!
We returned to the chalet and well, "enjoyed each others company"....wink wink nudge nudge.
It was a wonderful weekend for sure.
We drove back to Ottawa. Picked up the kiddies - one of them very ill with the stomach flu (sorry Mom, but thank you for looking after the barfy-sick kid!). So, it was right back to the grind!!!!
So, how was your weekend?????
PS - I am cheating and keeping the Tuesday date stamp...even though it is now Wednesday I have the barfy tummy and Madigan is crabby...oh joy! This is going to be a l--o--n--g week...or maybe I am just being a big sissy fuddle duddle?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Ok. Seriously, I almost burst a gut! Here is a little 2 year old, in a squeaky, high pitch voice bidding goodbye to one world and welcoming the new! Her HELLO was hilarious - all drawn out and a bit deeper than her regular voice. It was priceless!
Anyways - Friday night friends came over - the plan was for the gals to go swim lanes (prep for "Try-a-tri-athon" and then meet the boys for Pho soup. Comedy of errors, we misread the lane quick change of plans - we went for dinner first and then swimming.
Side note - I need to work on my breathing technique in the front crawl. I am sure I could shave some time off if I got a bit more rhythm in my breathing and stroke.
We had a great Friday evening. We always have a great time with Stephen (the best-man at our wedding) and his wonderful girlfriend Danielle (Hello Danielle, since I now know you visit The Fringe! Yep. Friday sounds great - check your email!)
Saturday AM we woke up early and took off for Mont Tremblant, Quebec. It is about 2 hours away. It was an enjoyable drive. Spring is in the air!
The mountain was very busy - perfect spring ski conditions bring lots of people out! If you ever get a chance to visit this first-class resort - I highly recommend it!
We skied all day. I will not lie - I had a rough time. I really only started to ski when I met David - back in 2000. Then since all my babes are winter babies, my ability, desire and time for skiing dropped in priority. So, I was getting a bit frustrated. I could not seem to get my old rhythm back. I was really fighting my skies and forcing the tails of my skies instead of carving with my edges. On top of that, my middle toe on my right foot was SUPER sore. (I would later discover that when my soccer opponent stepped on my foot last week she cracked my nail and it swelled up) And my feet hurt in my boots. My boots are from the before kids era and my feet are bigger, flatter and more sensitive now. And finally, I was having a fear thing - totally mental! I am not sure what it was, but I was so nervous of falling. Maybe it had to do with Natasha Richardson succumbing to injuries suffered on this very hill? Or maybe I was just nervous? I was having trouble finding my centre of gravity and therefore did not feel stable...could it be from my rapid weight loss? My body has definitely changed! Whatever the case, the first two runs were terrible.
In fact, I almost gave up. But my wonderful hubby talked me out of it. We stuck to fairly easy hills. David got to do a few bump-runs since Windigo and Upper Fuddle Duddle were mainly moguls. I stuck with Sissy Schuss and Fuddle Duddle...oh ya! I do see the irony of the run names and my state of mind - but, hey! thanks for pointing that out!!!!!!!!
After lunch, I calmed down a bit and was able to find some of my skiing mojo. So, our afternoon was a bit more enjoyable. Besides, it was sunny, warm and I was with the man of my dreams!
A good friend of ours offered us her chalet for the evening (Thanks Jo!). It was great. We went and got cleaned up and headed back to the mountain for dinner and to enjoy the night life. It was great. We had a great dinner - I had yummy trout with veggies, and even was successful at NOT having any of the fresh dinner rolls that kept appearing at our table!
After dinner we strolled around the cute shops and then took in the aerial competitions. Man, they were amazing! Friggin' dare devils to the highest degree!
We returned to the chalet and well, "enjoyed each others company"....wink wink nudge nudge.
It was a wonderful weekend for sure.
We drove back to Ottawa. Picked up the kiddies - one of them very ill with the stomach flu (sorry Mom, but thank you for looking after the barfy-sick kid!). So, it was right back to the grind!!!!
So, how was your weekend?????
PS - I am cheating and keeping the Tuesday date stamp...even though it is now Wednesday I have the barfy tummy and Madigan is crabby...oh joy! This is going to be a l--o--n--g week...or maybe I am just being a big sissy fuddle duddle?!?!?!?!?!?!?